7 Best Essential Oils for Relieving your Cold and Flu Symptom

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The changing season affects our body, and most of us get arrested with general cold and flu. The passing winter, as well, scorching summer; both the season time behaves as a peak time for cold and flu. Most of the people taking some natural precautions, do not get under the effect of cold and flu; but in general, most of the people are suffering from cold and flu. It is quite general to hear about cold and flu, but sometimes it becomes a long term course. The patient suffering from cold and flu are advised not to take it so lightly and an easy go. The present time is about high heat, summer and it is the time when you can have cold and flu and it needs a treatment.

As per the medical science, there is no such perfect treatment about cold and flu, as science says it is a virus which flows in the air and attacks to the poor immune body. However, there are some special natural essential oils which soothes you from cold and flu as well gives you relief in repairing the immune. The essential oils work best for the treatment of cold and flu in a natural way and helps in getting rid of even long term cold and cough.

Read Also: How Essential Oil can Enhance Hair Growth

What is cold and flu and how they effect?
The cold and flu are both different to each other, but the only common thing is their property. The cold and flu both is airborne diseases which changes its state and vary from body with body showing different signs and stages of cold and flu. The cold and flu is generally not harmful, but if you feel you are suffering from long time, then you must seek medical help. The essential oils are perfect alternative options to cure your cold and flu and even take as a precaution during the season changing time. Cold and flu have different stages and different symptoms; let us check some effects of it on our body.

• High fever
• Dry cough
• Sore throat
• Muscle aches and pains
• Headache
• Fatigue
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea
• Nasal congestion

Essential oils have the property to fight with all of these symptoms and give relief to you; but if the symptoms and effects have been seen poorly for several weeks; then it is an indication to seek medical advice. However, it is important to note that conditions of cold and flu vary from people to people, and it is just an advisable to take the help of essential oils to give a fight to your cold and flu.

Essential oils a best remedy for cold and flu-
Talking about essential oils, these oils are best natural remedy having a strong healing property and leaving a strong effect on the human body either used for internal or used for external for various purposes. The 7 best essential oils used for preventive as well remedy for cold and flu are symptoms suggested are-

Thieves essential oil- a blend of lemon, eucalyptus, cinnamon, clove, rosemary gives the property like- antibacterial, anti-infectious, antiviral and antiseptic. This oil is noted for reducing fever, chest congestion, sore throat and stuffed nose.
Peppermint essential oil– the oil as an essential oil has a strong property, so it is recommended to dilute with a carrier oil and it is beneficial in headaches and chest congestion.
Lemon essential oil- it behaves as an antiviral agent and enriched with goodness of vitamin C, and helps in overcoming from every type of congestion.
German Chamomile essential oil- this essential oil has a strong property of providing relief from pain in cold and flu. It works on headaches, muscle aches, neck pain and ease out from the pain caused due to congestion.
Oil of Oregano- this oil is noted as an antibiotic and have the properties as antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-parasitic. It is best noted with relief from sore throat.
Lavender essential oil- the oil is noted to have an anti-septic and anti-inflammatory property. It gives soothing, relax in pain of neck and shoulder suffering from cold and flu.
Eucalyptus oil– this oil works over the respiratory system to free it from congestion and help in easy breathing when suffering from cold and flu.

How the essential oils are taken?
Every essential oil has their own properties and their own healing effects. So, some of the essential oil is advised to be taken in their proper ways. Here are some of the suggested ways to take essential oil for giving changing effect on your cold and flu. The various kinds to take and use are-

• To be used as a diffuser or say taken as a steam inhalation
• Apply some drops of essential oils on your warm clothes
• Apply some drops of essential oils on your feet, chest and neck
• Some drops of essential oils can be taken in the water or drink for immediate effect.

The essential oils are best extracted oils without any impurities and it has proved its effect in many results. Fight your cold and flu with these seven best essential oils and have a general daily routine of yours without any cough congestion or stuffy nose.

Kishor Kumar :