Essential Massage Oil for Women

Essential Oils for Women

A whole world is in ‘Women’; because they are mentally and physically stronger. It is very important for a woman to be very healthy, fit and absolutely ready to take everyday challenges. From the sunrise till late night, women have to stand on their feet and manage to run all errands of daily challenges and problems of life, not just of her own but every other person connected with her. Read more “Essential Massage Oil for Women”

How to Choose Essential Oils for Summer Skin?

Skin care essential oils

Summer season welcomes the season of sweat, summer boil, scorching sun and much more. Okay! Let me ask you a question; do you like summer season? Most of you people will nod your head for Yes and some for No. India, a country receiving four seasons, also welcomes summer season. During the summer season, the burning sun rises up over the head and is ready every time to suck your skin nutrients and glucose from the body, making you deprived of essential nutrients and minerals for the skin as well as body. As during the summer season temperature goes up-to more than 45 degrees Celsius, it becomes hard for the body to maintain the body temperature balance matching with outside temperature. So, the requirement is to give your skin the best value of essential oils for proper care of skin. Read more “How to Choose Essential Oils for Summer Skin?”